Sunday, March 2, 2008

हालात कुछ ऐसे हैं

दिल का हाल रोटियों पर जमी फफूंद सी है
कई बार सोचा की इस फफूंद को झाडे
और रोटियों को हलक से उतारे
परत पर परत चढ़ता चला गया ,
रोटियों का भी रंग बदलता चला गया
अब तो भूखा रहना हमारी ख्वाइश सी है

(** फफूंद = fungus ** हलक = foodpipe ** झाडे = to rub off ** परत = layer)


mnjivani said...

Dear Kamalji,
After reading nice lines "Halat kuchh Aise He" gives idea about multidimensional approach towards life which you adopted in your day to day life and which we also experience in face to face workshop as well as through virtual environment.
Keep writing all these beautiful lines and kindly share with us and also facilitate us with all great knowledge which you have.
with regards

KKG said...

Dear MJivaniji,
"Peoples like you will make this world a better place bcoz of your good eyes to look into it". So Keep looking.